Conference Prayers |
2018 Conference Prayer |
“I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12 |
“Jesus Christ, Light of the World” |
Jesus Christ, light of the world,
You are the way, the truth, and the life.
You are my way, my truth, and my life.
Shine the light of your sweet Holy Spirit into the deepest recesses of my heart and reveal to me all that keeps me from living in the fullness of life that you have planned for me.
Grant me the grace here and now to pledge this day to live in total surrender to your divine will.
Grant me increased faith, hope, and trust as I seek to hear the gentle voice of your Holy Spirit and follow his leading.
May your light shine so brightly in me as to draw others out of darkness into your light.
And with the angels and saints, may I praise you now and for all eternity.
Go and let the whole world know! |
2017 Conference Prayer |
“..Do not be grieved, for the joy of the Lord is your strength.” ( Nehemiah 8:10 ) |
“The Joy Of The Lord Is My Strength” |
“O Jesus, You are the delight of my heart.
You are the giver of Wisdom and all things holy.
Lead me into an understanding of how I can live a joy-filled holy life.
Teach me your ways, O Lord.
My desire is to be like You.”
Joy does not chase me and I cannot find joy by chasing it.
Joy is yet another gift from You, O God
– another grace.
Joy is ever-present in Jesus.
It waits for me within His Holy Spirit.
My task is to unlock the joy
which already resides deeply within my soul
through the grace of His Spirit.
When I am calm, when I sit with Jesus, when I trust
— these are the times I feel the joy.
These are the times I am strong in Him. .
Though problems assail me from all sides,
the joy of the Lord is my strength.
And I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever.
Amen. |
2016 Conference Prayer |
“.. For you, Lord are good, and ready to forgive, and plenteous in mercy to all them that call on you...” (Psalm 86:5) |
"The Way of the Lord is Mercy" |
Oh Most Merciful Father, Most Merciful Son,
on bended knee my voice cries out for mercy.
For I have sinned against Your Holy Precepts
and against Your Holy Name.
Extend to me Your hand of friendship.
Forgive me for my many faults and failings.
Lift me up from the darkness that has fallen
and is falling on the earth.
Set me firmly on the path of righteousness.
Pardon me from the punishments I deserve.
Oh Jesus, draw my heart into your Most Sacred and Divine Heart.
Free me from all stain of sin so that the reign of Heaven can begin in me
-here and now.
Let me be a beacon of light shining in the darkness
of a world that is turning further and further away from Your Holy Truths.
Save me, O God, for the way of the Lord is Mercy.
2015 Conference Prayer |
"In His Will Is Our Peace" |
O my loving Father, in your will is our peace.
Only in your holy will is my peace.
Were truer words ever spoken?
Can the world ever give total peace?
It hasn’t since the beginning of time.
Heavenly Father, we look to you for our peace.
You alone hold the key to our eternal happiness.
Your love is beyond comprehension.
Your faithful care and watchful eye are ever upon us.
And yet you ask so little in return.
You ask us to love God and neighbor as ourselves.
You ask us to put our trust and faith in you.
In return, we are offered forgiveness, mercy, and salvation.
We are offered peace as we live our lives in accordance with your holy will.
Give us the power of your Holy Spirit to aid us in learning to love as you love; to help us give our hearts to you in total surrender to your will.
For it is only in your holy will that we find our peace.
All praise, glory, and honor be to the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
Amen. |
2014 Conference Prayer |
2013 Conference Prayer |
"Healed and Empowered"
...You shall receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you, and you shall be my witnesses...
Acts 1:8 |
...For power went out from Him and healed them all. Luke 6:19
Almighty and Eternal Father,
Creator of all that is good and holy,
I come before You in praise and thanksgiving.
You are worthy of all my praise;
you are worthy of all my gratitude.
Jesus, my Lord and Savior,
You are the healer of my mind, body, and soul.
You have created me, suffered for me, died for me,
and loved me through it all.
And yet, in my great need and because of your great mercy,
I dare to ask for more.
Oh Jesus, I ask for your healing touch through the power of the Holy Spirit. Send your Spirit to every part of my mind, body, and soul
that is in need of the Divine Physician's touch.
Heal me from every stain of sin and every bodily ailment
according to your Father's holy will.
May You be glorified through my healing.
May I never cease to adore, praise, worship,and thank You.
Holy Spirit, bless me with the gifts I need
to move beyond healing to empowerment.
Empower me to live for Christ and Christ alone.
Empower me to be bold in my witness to Jesus Christ
and the Good News of salvation.
Use my lips, my hands, my feet to bring hope and healing to a hurting world. Use me as an emissary of your Divine Mercy.
Help me to love always with your love
– a love that never fails and never gives up.
And may I one day hear those precious words,
“Well done, my good and faithful servant.”
Amen. |
2012 Conference Prayer |
Heavenly Father, I come humbly before Thee this day
to thank and praise You for your many blessings and graces.
You are my life, my all in all.
I surrender this day into your hands.
Give me the grace to accept all that transpires this day.
Draw me, O Lord, into stillness.
Calm my busy restless heart so that I may hear your voice.
Quiet my mind so that I may experience more of You.
Send your Holy Spirit to fill me with every gift I need
to accomplish your will for my life.
Teach me to serve You by serving others.
I praise You.
I glorify You.
I worship You.
Grant me the grace to be still and know that You are God.
Mary, Queen of Angels, pray for me. |
2011 Conference Prayer |
I was given a vision of the Holy Spirit coming from heaven,
as on the day of Pentecost.
In the vision I saw the Holy Spirit as a Dove.
The Dove was burning, like a brilliant red and white flame.
Then I saw a gold cross appear underneath the Dove.
The words came to me,
"I come in the full victory and glory of Jesus Christ's triumph over the cross." Once again, I saw the vision change
and the Holy Eucharist appeared beneath the cross.
The words came to me,
"I give you the Eucharist, 'My Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity'
so that you may be able to share in the fullness of My love
and that of My Father."
Richard "Dick" Durr
Honorary 2011 Conference Chair |
2010 Conference Prayer |
Christ whispers to us
"As you are right now take Me and use Me
know that I love you and allow Me to speak through your lips,
allow Me to heal through your hands,
allow Me to love through your heart.
Because with all My everlasting, flaming, bleeding heart I love you."
Fr. Thomas James McCarthy, O.S.B. |
2009 Conference Prayer |
Dearest Father in Heaven,
You are the Great I Am, Emmanuel,
God with us and we are your people.
You have assured us that You will never leave us nor forsake us
and that You are with us always.
Thank You and praise You, Father.
How great You are!
You have given us a beautiful faith by which to live.
You have sent your beloved Son Jesus,
your Living Word, to teach us how to live and love.
You have sent your Holy Spirit to be with us
so we would never be alone.
You have given us the Eucharist, your very presence
- Body, Blood, Soul, and Divinity through Jesus and His Holy Cross,
offered and celebrated perpetually during The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
You have given us your Mother, our Blessed Lady,
and all the angels and saints to aid and intercede for us.
You have created us in your image and likeness
and have given us the privilege of being your hands and feet on earth.
Help us, Father, to be with You always,to praise You, to trust in You,
and to serve You and your people with loving obedience and humility.
We ask You this in the name of the Father, and of the Son,
and of the Holy Spirit.
Amen "
……and behold, I am with you always until the end of the age.
Matthew 28:20 |
2008 Conference Prayer |
O God, our Father,
in whom we place all our trust,
in your Word you have called us to be holy.
You alone can give us the grace to become all that you have planned.
Grant us, most gracious Father, the will and the courage
to follow You and only You.
Give each of us a heart for the things of God.
We want to be fully yours, but we are weak.
Forgive us our sins and grant us your heavenly mercy.
In your tenderness, hold us,
enfold us in the pure light and love of your most Holy Spirit.
Lift us on wings of your ever abiding love
and bring us into the fullness of a life lived in,
with, and through your Son, Jesus Christ.
We beseech you, Virgin Mary, mother of the Word Incarnate,
to take us by the hand and lead us to your Son
who brings us into the very presence of the Father.
As we answer your call to be holy,
we give all praise, glory, and honor to You,
Almighty Father, and to your Son, Jesus Christ,
and to the Holy Spirit.
Amen. |
2007 Conference Prayer |
Come Holy Spirit, Love Divine,
Come indwell this soul of mine.
Lift me up to greater heights.
Show me heaven's sounds and sights.
Come Holy Spirit, Love Divine,
Teach me Your joyous ways sublime.
So the away my every tear.
Let me know that You are near.
You alone are my desire.
Fill me with Your holy fire.
Draw me upward every day.
Within Your grace I want to stay.
Come Holy Spirit, Love Divine,
All I am and have is Thine.
Search my heart and keep it true.
I want to follow none but You. |
A Prayer For Healing |
You invite all who are burdened to come to You.
Allow Your healing hand to heal me.
Touch my soul with Your compassion for others.
Touch my heart with Your courage and infinite love for all.
Touch my mind with Your wisdom,
that my mouth may always proclaim Your praise.
Teach me to reach out to You in my need,
and help me to lead others to You by my example.
Most loving Heart of Jesus, bring me health in body and spirit
that I may serve You with all my strength.
Touch gently this life which You have created, now and forever.
Amen. |
Saint Michael's Prayer |
Saint Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host
- by the Divine Power of God
- cast into hell, satan and all the evil spirits,
who roam throughout the world
seeking the ruin of souls.
Amen. |